When purchasing enterprise software you are investing in a corporate asset. Unlike software that is not mission-critical, accounting and financial software is fundamental to the day to day operation of any business.
Protecting your investment
In the ever-changing technology landscape, it is important to protect your valuable IT investments. Your Arrow Software maintenance policy which applies to all software products within the Arrow Product suite is insurance against the challenges of tomorrow so you can mitigate the risks associated with keeping up with technology advancements.
Why is software maintenance important?
The Arrow software maintenance policy ensures that you have access to the latest possible versions of the software without having to incur the more substantial cost of purchasing new versions of the software outright.
Software maintenance is important because it helps you keep up to date with the constantly changing technology landscape. As technology evolves upgrades become necessary to support the latest servers, operating systems and hardware ensuring that your system is compatible and operating at its optimal performance.
- Offering you peace of mind by protecting your software investment from becoming outdated or obsolete.
- Regular updates and maintenance will allow you to keep up with market trends and technology changes to ensure your business is as efficient and effective as it can be.
- Arrow Research Corporation only provides second-tier support for current versions of their software suite.
- Ensures the ongoing and uninterrupted operation of the software under the Arrow Enhancement Software terms and conditions detailed in the end user license agreement
How do software upgrades affect me?
Software upgrades are fundamental to all businesses here are some of the reasons why:
- Enable you to gain new features that save you time and improve productivity.
- Improve the user experience and efficiency of the software.
- Upgrades ensure that your system is performing at it optimum level.
- Allow you to better manage your business by turning financial data into business intelligence for more effective decision making.
- Ensure that your software works on various operating platforms
- Software upgrades are required to ensure that software is compliant with changing government regulations and laws.